Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summertime Fun

Well its been a while since my last post on Mother's Day. Things are busy at the Lytle Home.

First an update on Eliza. It is amazing how in just a few weeks she is really starting to look and act like a baby and not an infant. She is now 14 weeks, smiling, holding her head more steady and really staring you down. In fact she and her daddy have a "big eye" game. It is so cute to see them mimic each other. Its one of Eliza's favorite games. She continues to love being outside (too bad its 100+ and our morning and evening swings have been cut short) and being naked and she loves spending time with all of her Grandparents and Auntie Sutti. We were so lucky to have Sutton stay with us for a few days - I don't know who enjoys her visits more - me, Eliza or Suzy. Thank you for all your help Aunti Sutti!

Yesterday we hosted a baby shower for my dear neighbor, Tracy. She is due on the 28th of July. She will being having a baby boy - named John Michael and they will call him Jack after Mike's late father. The shower was sweet and special just like Tracy. Tracy was very good to us while I was on bedrest and I wanted to do something to repay her - I think she enjoyed it.

Aunt Shug and Uncle Walter were here from Florida a few weeks ago to meet Eliza for the first time. It was so nice to see them as always. Eliza and Uncle Walter have the same hair do - none on top and thick in the back - too cute!

Eric's Aunt Nancy and cousin Henry also met Eliza for the first time. They came bearing gifts (Eliza got her first rocking dino) and Nancy brought her famous blondies which as always are sinful and COMPLETELY not on my diet but I couldn't resist! Henry is all grown up and as cute as he could be - he will make some girl real happy one day - school is out and he is a rising senior!

Our friend Russell paid us a visit - his stay was brief because he was headed to his dad's place but he brought the most beautiful hand knitted blanket done by his aunt. I know Eliza will love it - maybe she will even take it to college with her like her Mommy did with hers! Russell at 6'5 and 315lbs is by far the biggest person she's ever seen. Do you see amazement in her eyes?

Well I guess that is it for the major news. All is well at the Lytle home and we hope for the same at yours!

-Caroline & Eric


Meg Pirozzi said...

Hey Lytle family! Eliza is PRECIOUS! She is starting to look like you Caroline! Lucky girl~ Sounds like life is good...I hope to get to meet her soon. I mmiss you guys! Take Care,


Joy Chafin said...

Glad to get your update. Eliza is growing up so quickly. She is too darling. Have a wonderful first Father's Day!!