Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wow - It's been awhile ...

My mother-in-law said it best when she said that the one thing that I couldn't live without while I was waiting for Eliza's arrival is the furthest thing from my mind - my laptop. Last time Eric checked I had about 160 unread emails in my hotmail and Outlook account. I have full intentions everyday to get on the computer - read emails and most importantly update the blog but for some reason (gee I wonder) it hasn't happened in a while.

Well enough with the excuses let me tell you what is going on ... Eliza is a dream! We have been to the doctor quite a few times since we brought her home - jaundice and weight gain have been the two main issues. We are happy to say that both seem to be in check - we had to do a 24 hour formula only to see if Eliza had a case of breastmilk jaundice - sure enough she did - I am still able to give her breast milk but just had to stop it long enough to break the cycle.

At Eliza's 2 week appointment she was back up to her birth weight and at her 3 week she was 5lbs. That was a little concerning because she should have gained more - so on Monday our doctor told us that for the next 3 days we had to do breastmilk bottles only - that way we could measure her intake more precisely - sure enough on Thursday Eliza weighed 5lbs 6.5 oz - she gained 6.5oz in 3 days - I am so proud of her and we will continue to bottle feed. I must admit that it's been nice to have Eric to help out with feedings - she feeds about every 2-3 hours so Eric takes the 10PM, 12AM feedings - I of course take the rest. Its amazing how tired you are but some how you push through.

We continue to keep Eliza all wrapped up - our house is a balmy 80 degrees and its pretty hot sleeping but who is really sleeping anyway - we hope with all this weight gain she will have some much needed fat to keep her warm. Good news is warm weather is around the corner. We went for our first walk in the neighborhood yesterday - man it was nice to get out and see everyone. Eliza enjoyed the stroll.
Eliza has had lots of time with her Auntie Sutti and both sets of Grandparents - Sutton spent the second half of last week with me to help out and let me tell you - she was WONDERFUL! I was even able to get my hair colored - yes I am blonde again - thank the Lord!

Eric and I are doing good - a few sleepless nights but I just remind myself that it is what we signed up for and what a blessing it is. I really love being a mommy - sure wish she would have come with an instruction manual and I am sure I have made a 1000 mistakes but luckily Eliza is too young to remember and more importantly tell (smile). You do the best you can, you know. Suzy is adjusting well - as we knew she would. She is a little confused by all the noises Eliza makes (as are we) and this morning I found her sleeping on the floor using a dirty diaper as a pillow - bless her heart. Sidenote - some people say that Suzy would become a "dog" once Eliza joined the family - well they couldn't be anymore wrong - she is just as mucha part of the family - afterall she was my first "baby".

Today we had our first family outting - well I guess not really since we did go to church last Sunday for Easter - Eliza had the most precious outfit that of course her Daddy bought for her - she slept the entire service despite the trumpets and choir! We were so proud. Today we went to pick out Annoucements and lunch - she again was perfect!

The last few days we have really seen a lot more of her eyes open - its fun to see them focus on your face and when she opens her eyes and looks around its like she is seeing the world for the first time.
I could go on forever about all the things we are experiencing with Eliza but I am attemping to watch the UNC game and the truth is I really want to grab a qick nap before the midnight feeding freenzy. I wish you could all see what out bedroom looks like in the morning - empty bottles, blankets, dirty diapers everywhere - its so funny.

Attached are a few recent pictures ... maybe one of these days I could make a slideshow - I am thinking when Eliza is 12 months I'll tackle that.

We hope you are all well and thank you for keeping up with our story.
-Caroline, Eric, Eliza and Suzy


Unknown said...

So glad everyone is settlin' in. She is beautiful & I look forward to meeting her next month.

jencraig said...

yay! a new post...I am so excited!I love the pics and hearing all about miss E. I had to do the same thing with AHC for awhile...pumping and giving him bottles of bmilk because he wasnt gaining as quickly as he should at first either. I think with preemies, alot of times they aren't quite strong enough to work for all the milk they need the end of the day...who cares!!! as long as they get what they need and are healthy! i am so proud of you and so happy for you and eric. can't wait to meet that angel.

Michele said...

Great pictures! She is so beautiful. I am so happy for you all. Good things come to those who wait! Hey the sleep thing does get better. For Will is was at six weeks...he began going 4-5 hours at is amazing what a difference that makes! Brad and I did the same thing. I went to bed at 8 and he took the next 2 feedings. I knew it was a good day when I got my teeth brushed before noon!!! Hope to talk to you soon. Michele

heddie said...

Love the new pictures! What a beauty!

Joy Chafin said...

Eliza is so beautiful, and I'm pleased to hear that you're settling in at home. Nothing will ever be the same. I know that you're enjoying every second of just having her in your arms! Keep those pictures coming, even if you don't have time to post! She'll put a smile on everyone's face.